Happy New Year!

I love beginnings. Such hope, such promise. I love New Year’s Day, new moons, and Mondays. I am by nature much more enthusiastic about beginnings than endings. Why go through the hard middle slog and wrestle with an ending when you can simply start something new again? Yay, beginnings!

My resolution this year is to drink tea in the afternoon. Yes, I’m resolving to having a daily tea time. Only time will tell if this involves cucumber tea sandwiches. I’m pretty sure at some point cookies will be involved.

My secret resolution is prolificity. That may mean more blogging (I’m still nostalgic for those peak blogging years between 2000 and 2010), but I’ve learned that blogging can diminish my energy for creative work. There are only so many writing minutes in a day. Perhap short posts posted frequently is the path to more regular blogging?

So, on that note, Happy New Year! I hope your 2022 is better than your 2021.

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