Between work-sanctioned holidays and vacation time I managed to cobble together a two-week winter break which ends today.
Yay for break! It took me almost the whole two weeks to de-tox from work and to get my head into a happier, healthier space. Alas, tomorrow it’s back to the grind.
One of my key goals over the break is to de-clutter my desk and the space around my desk at home. I’ve been doing this for the last few years and it makes for a positive way to begin the new year.
The way I de-clutter is that I remove everything from my desk and only return the items I remember using over the last year. If I don’t use it regularly it needs to be put away somewhere else. Then, I do the same for the book shelf beside me and the one behind me.
Despite working in libraries for nearly 20 years I am still somewhat of a compulsive book-buyer. I love buying books, but I’ve been trying to curb the habit. I’ve also been culling my collection. This year I removed hundreds of volumes, as I did last year. I donate them to the library. It’s a challenge, because I have a strong sentimental attachment to the idea of books, but seriously, even if I live to a very ripe old age I have more great books in my house than I can ever read.
So, that was my winter break. Hanging out with friends, eating a lot of junk food (pizza! burgers! chips!), drinking beer, whisky, wine, and champagne, working on the novel, cleaning my desk, de-cluttering my bookshelves, culling my newsfeeds, cleaning house, and generally preparing for the lunacy of the 2017.
So long winter break! It’s been awesome. See you again in about 360 days.
What a great way to begin the year.
Happy New Year!
Thanks! Now to utilize this clean, well-organized space to get some writing done…